Asahi – a fitness program that cares for your body and mind. 

Asahi Nordic Health Exercise Method is a proud bearer of the Finnish Service Label, which guarantees that our method has been developed in Finland.

Order our award-winning Asahi book

Asahi Series I & II explained step by step with tips on each move by the developers themselves. Includes QR codes to videos.

This book  also teaches ways to use the method as a means of self-care and rehabilitation. 

Buy now!

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Let Asahi move you!

Discover the physical and mental benefits of Asahi and notice how quickly you can feel improvements in your well-being.

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Asahi is health exercise that takes care of the body and mind.

Asahi is a versatile health exercise suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Originating from Finland, Asahi is known for its holistic approach, incorporating gentle movements synchronized with slow breathing. Whether you're an athlete seeking post-workout recovery or an individual looking for stress relief, Asahi offers a fitness program that caters to everyone.

Asahi is a Fitness Program for All Ages

Discover the undeniable benefits of regular exercise supported by studies, improving health, and enhancing overall quality of life. Asahi's principles align with the health organisations´ perspective on health exercise, making it a reliable choice.

The Undeniable Benefits of Regular Exercise for Improved Health and Quality of Life

According to studies, regular exercise undoubtedly brings benefits. Health improves, and the quality of life enhances. Exercise contributes to the improvement of everyday functional capacity and workability. Particularly, the ability of aging individuals to manage independently improves with the help of exercise.

Asahi Nordic Method: Your Path to Universal Well-being

Embrace simplicity with the Asahi Nordic Method, a user-friendly exercise routine that adapts to your unique needs. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or seeking a gentle approach to well-being, this method offers a universal solution.

  • Tailored for all age groups and fitness levels
  • Simple yet comprehensive, focusing on overall health improvement
  • Efficient and adaptable to individual capabilities

Becoming an Asahi Instructor: Join Asahi Nordic's Training Sessions

Join Asahi Nordic's training sessions to become an Asahi instructor or simply enjoy the positive impact of this fitness program. Embrace the opportunity to improve your well-being and everyday functional capacity. As the aging population seeks ways to maintain independence, Asahi emerges as a valuable tool for achieving a fulfilling elderly life.

You can find all our courses at our Courses page.
Explore our courses and experience Finnish Asahi.

Discover the transformative power of the Asahi Method, a versatile form of physical exercise suitable for individuals of all ages and health conditions. This comprehensive and efficient routine is designed to enhance your health and elevate your quality of life.

Top Rated Courses

Join us and become a health instructor! Its Nordic simplicity makes it easy and yet very beneficial for your physical and mental health. 

Become an Asahi instructor

Our system has two levels. The C-level license is for new instructors. The B-level course for experienced teachers is coming soon. You can enroll in the C-level course whether you have previous knowledge of Asahi or not.

Classes for everyone

Join one of our classes and learn new ways to be healthy and happy from the Finns, the happiest people in the world!


An Asahi class led by A1 teacher trainer Deb Wahlberg meets at the Little Finland Museum & Gift Shop from Easter to Christmas, and in a church in downtown Ironwood, Mi during the winter months. Luana has been a regular participant and gave us this testimonial. Since Asahi comes from Finland, it appeals to people of Finnish descent. But people of all backgrounds love it!


In June 2024 the University of Illinois Library Mortenson Center held a month-long training course for selected librarians from a eleven countries. Asahi was part of their Wellness Program. Here is a testimonial from one of the students: in the international librarian program: 

Asahi goes global!

There are Asahi teachers in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Slovenia, Greece, New Zealand, and in 9 states in the US.   Learn more

"If Asahi had a motto, it might be: Moderation in everything - including moderation."

- Ilpo Jalamo 

I am a 68-year-old male who has osteoarthritis in both hips and in the lower back as well as a hip injury from a skiing accident that has given me moderate levels of discomfort whenever partaking in moderate forms of exercise such as hiking, bike riding, snowshoeing, or cross-country skiing.  Before I became aware of Asahi, I would find it easy to come up with an excuse not to exercise because of the discomfort associated with the afflictions above.  

Fortunately, I also knew that sitting around and not doing any physical activity, in the long run, would be far worse.  
In my pre-Asahi days, before starting any moderate physical activity, I would find it necessary to liberally apply CBD lotion to all the areas of my body that would hurt whenever I went hiking, bike riding, snowshoeing, or cross-country skiing.  

Ever since I have become an Asahi practitioner, my osteoarthritis pain has completely disappeared and I no longer need to apply any CBD lotion anywhere.  Practicing Asahi truly is “Prevention without medication”.  It goes without saying that Asahi has improved both my physical and mental health.  Learning about Asahi, practicing Asahi, and teaching Asahi as a B-Level instructor locally has given me pleasure as a life-long learner and a sense of purpose in my retirement years.

The Asahi student I am posing with in the photo is 100 years old! Now I am enrolled in the A1 teacher training program and was in Finland studying with the developers of Asahi!
